$997.00 USD

There will be no refunds on your enrollment fee since you'll be able to access all of our trainings, trade secrets, and resources to become massively successful in your business. Please DO NOT enroll in this mentorship group if you aren't sure. This is for SERIOUS entrepreneurs ONLY and not for those who are not sure if this opportunity is the right one.

The Micro-Business Opportunity - Full Payment

Yes, you can take profitable advantage of this brand-new trend called "micro businesses."

In this power-packed mentorship group, you'll discover how to:

  • Create simple easy-to-build micro-businesses from scratch in less than an hour
  • Turn around and sell each micro-business for $1,000 or more...$5,000 or more in some cases
  • Tap into droves of clients who want these already-built micro-businesses that they can use to immediately profit with

This is a VERY RARE OPPORTUNITY and is ONLY for those who are SERIOUS about learning how to build and sell these micro businesses.  You DO NOT need to know a lot about tech stuff but you will be taught everything you need to know in basic steps in this group.